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Each month we will take the most frequently asked questions and discuss them in detail. We will be gearing the newsletter towards your questions and suggestions so please tell us what you think. Maxey's newsletter will be sent to you via e-mail on the first of every month. Please fill out the information below and we will add
you to our list. We look forward to adding you to our community.

Topics to be covered:

    • Restaurant Design Ideas
    • Nightclub and Lounge Design
    • Retail Store Design
    • Store Planning
    • Design Trends
    • How to make the best of a small space
    • Accessibility for Seniors
    • Decorating within a Lease

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Maxey Hayse Design Studios, Inc.
104 E. Centre Street Suite 101
Nutley, NJ
t. 973.667.3555

f. 973.667.3006

e-mail us

Copyright 2006 maxey hayse design studios, inc.
"maxey hayse" and the maxey hayse logo are trademarks of maxey hayse design studios, inc.